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DIVD-2021-00006 - SmarterMail

Our reference DIVD-2021-00006
Case lead Lennaert Oudshoorn
Author Victor Pasman
Product Smartertools SmarterMail
  • SmarterMail 16.x All versions
  • SmarterMail before 100.0.7803 (May 13, 2021)
Recommendation Upgrade to SmarterMail Build 7957 (Oct 14, 2021)
Patch status Full patched
Status Closed
Last modified 12 Aug 2022 11:21 CEST


One of our researchers found multiple vulnerabilities in SmarterMail, which we were in the process of responsible disclosure (or Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure) with SmarterTools Inc. Both vulnerabilities were discovered within the webmail fronted of SmarterMail.

The vulnerabilities

We notified SmarterTools Inc. of the following vulnerabilities:

What you can do

If you are running a version of SmarterMail before 100.0.7803 (May 13, 2021) or 16.x, upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible. To verify the installed version, go within the SmarterMail portal to /about/checkup (http(s)://yourwebmailurl.ext/about/checkup) and verify the version number. If the version number is 16.x or before 100.0.7803 (May 13, 2021) then you are vulnerable.

What we are doing

We are processing the list of vulnerable SmarterMail servers.

Closing notes

As fingerprinting newer versions of SmarterMail is not reliable, and the patch has been out for over six months now, we consider this case closed.


Date Description
30 Apr 2021 Vendor contacted and informed.
30 Apr 2021 Scanning internet-facing implementations.
30 Apr 2021 Start of the identification of possible victims (with internet-facing systems).
03 May 2021 Contacted vendor if email was received. Resend information to vendor.
10 May 2021 Vendor responds that they are working on it.
24 May 2021 Requested an update.
30 Apr 2021-
01 Jun 2021
Time to fix
01 Jun 2021 Vendor issues patch(es).
30 Apr 2021-
16 Nov 2021
Time to disclose
16 Nov 2021 First version of this case file.
02 Dec 2021 Notifications sent out.
13 Jan 2022 Case closed
gantt title DIVD-2021-00006 - SmarterMail dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %e %b %Y section Case DIVD-2021-00006 - SmarterMail (258 days) :2021-04-30, 2022-01-13 section Events Vendor contacted and informed. : milestone, 2021-04-30, 0d Scanning internet-facing implementations. : milestone, 2021-04-30, 0d Start of the identification of possible victims (with internet-facing systems). : milestone, 2021-04-30, 0d Contacted vendor if email was received. Resend information to vendor. : milestone, 2021-05-03, 0d Vendor responds that they are working on it. : milestone, 2021-05-10, 0d Requested an update. : milestone, 2021-05-24, 0d Time to fix (32 days) : 2021-04-30, 2021-06-01 Vendor issues patch(es). : milestone, 2021-06-01, 0d Time to disclose (200 days) : 2021-04-30, 2021-11-16 First version of this case file. : milestone, 2021-11-16, 0d Notifications sent out. : milestone, 2021-12-02, 0d Case closed : milestone, 2022-01-13, 0d

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