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DIVD-2022-00052 - Multiple vulnerabilities is Cloudflow software

Our reference DIVD-2022-00052
Case lead Victor Pasman
Product Cloudflow from Hybrid Software
Versions Cloudflow < 2.3.1
Recommendation Upgrade to 2.3.2 or above
Workaround n/a
Status Closed
Last modified 22 Jul 2024 10:53


By leveraging the vulnerabilities, an unauthenticated attacker with network access to Cloudflow can upload malicious files to the CLOUDFLOW PROOFSCOPE built-in storage and retrieve confidential information.

What you can do

We recommend to use the latest version of Cloudflow

What we are doing


Date Description
21 Feb 2023 DIVD released the CVE-2022-41216 and CVE-2022-41217
22 Jul 2024 Case closed, due to inactivity.
gantt title DIVD-2022-00052 - Multiple vulnerabilities is Cloudflow software dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %e %b %Y section Case DIVD-2022-00052 - Multiple vulnerabilities is Cloudflow software (516 days) :2023-02-21, 2024-07-21 section Events DIVD released the CVE-2022-41216 and CVE-2022-41217 : milestone, 2023-02-21, 0d Case closed, due to inactivity. : milestone, 2024-07-22, 0d

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