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DIVD-2023-00028 - SQL Injection in MOVEit Transfer - CVE-2023-36934

Our reference DIVD-2023-00028
Case lead Célistine Oosting
  • MOVEit Transfer
  • < 2020.1.11 (12.1.11)
  • < 2021.0.9 (13.0.9)
  • < 2021.1.7 (13.1.7)
  • < 2022.0.7 (14.0.7)
  • < 2022.1.8 (14.1.8)
  • < 2023.0.4 (15.0.4)
Recommendation Update to the applicable version of MOVEit Transfer listed in the versions section.
Patch status Fully patched
Status Closed
Last modified 22 Jul 2024 10:53


Progress has discovered a new SQL Injection vulnerability in their product MOVEit Transfer, a managed file transfer application. Just like the previous vulnerability, misuse of this vulnerability could lead to privilege escalation and data theft.

What you can do

Progress has released patches for this vulnerability. If you haven’t applied the patch for the previous vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-34362), it’s important to follow the following remediation steps:

After following these steps it’s recommended to update to the latest version of MOVEit Transfer.

What we are doing

DIVD is working on identifying vulnerable parties and notifying them. We do this by finding MOVEit instances and extracting the version name from them. Vulnerable parties will receive an email from DIVD.


Date Description
06 Jul 2023 Progress announces patches for a new critical vulnerability in MOVEit Transfer
10 Jul 2023 DIVD starts initial scans
15 Jul 2023 First version of this case file
20 Jul 2023 Informed vulnerable parties
22 Jul 2024 Case closed, casefile is inactive too long
gantt title DIVD-2023-00028 - SQL Injection in MOVEit Transfer - CVE-2023-36934 dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %e %b %Y section Case DIVD-2023-00028 - SQL Injection in MOVEit Transfer - CVE-2023-36934 (382 days) :2023-07-06, 2024-07-22 section Events Progress announces patches for a new critical vulnerability in MOVEit Transfer : milestone, 2023-07-06, 0d DIVD starts initial scans : milestone, 2023-07-10, 0d First version of this case file : milestone, 2023-07-15, 0d Informed vulnerable parties : milestone, 2023-07-20, 0d Case closed, casefile is inactive too long : milestone, 2024-07-22, 0d

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