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DIVD-2024-00024 - Multiple vulnerabilities found in the SOPlanning tool

Our reference DIVD-2024-00024
Case lead Max van der Horst
Author Victor Pasman
  • SOPlanning Online Planning Tool
  • versions < 1.52.02
Recommendation Update to the latest version of SOPlanning Online Planning tool.
Patch status None
Workaround None
Status Closed
Last modified 17 Oct 2024 10:22 CEST


The SOPlanning Online Planning tool up to version 1.52.02 contains several vulnerabilities which can be summarized to:

All of these vulnerabilities would allow an attacker to take control of the underlying system.


Update to the latest version of SOPlanning tool. If this is not possible, upgrade to version 1.52.02.

What we are doing

DIVD is currently working to identify parties that are running a version of the SO Planning tool that contain these vulnerabilities and notify these parties. We do this by finding vulnerable SOPlanning Tool systems that are connected to the Internet and verifying the version installed.


Date Description
27 May 2024 Vulnerabilities are found by Wietse and Hidde.
19 Jun 2024 Vulnerabilities reported to vendor.
19 Jun 2024-
19 Jun 2024
Time to Acknowledge.
19 Jun 2024 Vendor acknowledges receipt of vulnerabilities.
19 Jun 2024-
04 Jul 2024
Time to fix.
08 Aug 2024 Limited disclosure of the vulnerabilities and publishing of CVEs.
16 Oct 2024 Initial casefile created and published.
gantt title DIVD-2024-00024 - Multiple vulnerabilities found in the SOPlanning tool dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %e %b %Y section Case DIVD-2024-00024 - Multiple vulnerabilities found in the SOPlanning tool (140 days) :2024-05-29, 2024-10-16 section Events Vulnerabilities are found by Wietse and Hidde. : milestone, 2024-05-27, 0d Vulnerabilities reported to vendor. : milestone, 2024-06-19, 0d Time to Acknowledge. (0 days) : 2024-06-19, 2024-06-19 Vendor acknowledges receipt of vulnerabilities. : milestone, 2024-06-19, 0d Time to fix. (15 days) : 2024-06-19, 2024-07-04 Limited disclosure of the vulnerabilities and publishing of CVEs. : milestone, 2024-08-08, 0d Initial casefile created and published. : milestone, 2024-10-16, 0d

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